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David Daniels writes:

We need an Independent (NPA) candidate to oppose our (I am in District 3) corrupt, condescending, immature, combative, non-forward thinking, environment-destroying, thief of a Commissioner. Maya Angelou said "when a person shows you who they are, believe them. I would hope that a candidate does not try to challenge as an R, where the vast majority of voters view the world through the lens of Fox News. A candidate should campaign to all of us, and make the election in November, not August - so all of us can vote.
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sandy writes:

A community can be more restrictive than the state and federal regulations. It is recommended. Has staff looked at any possible impacts on the Community Rating System, a program that earns credits for being more restrictive and earns discounts on flood insurance policies?
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barbaraelliott writes:

Most of those students are age eighteen years old or older. Some are older in 40+ adult students. How can DeSantis tell a grown adult of eighteen or older what they are ALLOWED study!? They can carry a gun but cannot choose what they want to study. Only a fascist or Nazi style government can do that. So far DeSantis has; Grade thru high school banning of books there and in our libraries. DeSantis was also guilty of colluding with developer Pat Neal and county commissioner Vanessa Baugh in Vaccinegate. He's banned books, abused immigrants, blocked a woman's right to reproductive health care, allowed land development laws to be perverted, ignored fixing home owner insurance problems in our state, etc. I could have a longer list, but you know already, he is not a good guy. He's all for marijuana, but I wonder why. I also want to know why he wipes his nose so much with the back of his hand. Why have I seen white stuff on the end of his nose? What is that about?
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david@davidlevinjd.com writes:

Help us, Scott Baio, you're our only hope.

barbaraelliott writes:

Careful Kruse, if you look out for citizens and taxpayers you will end up like Bill Sanders, under investigation for a creating a hostile workplace. Don't dare ask for documents or explanations you are entitled to or get angry when you are denied those documents. You will be labeled "unhinged" and will be subject to every dirty, illegal trick on record to remove you from office.
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misty@planneroncall.com writes:

Idiomatic phrases and metaphors are dancing in my head…”The pot calling the kettle black”, “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”, “vinegar calling lemon juice sour”,

Cat L writes:

That's the first positive decision regarding the Lena Road property that I've seen. And good for those creative minds that thought of a solution.

Joe McClash writes:

Thanks LWV for publishing these County Commission Notes. It is a great summary of what is happening at these meetings.

Joe McClash writes:

Merab, thanks for writing these articles every Sunday. We have such an interesting history, filled with people who helped shape our community.

Charlene writes:

Who's surprised? Another rubber stamp.

Charlene writes:

The last paragraph may be the saddest commentary I've seen on this site. It's so sickening to watch the slow motion destruction of this beautiful county, because of the greed of people who have enough money to last multiple lifetimes. I appreciate George Kruse's efforts, though futile, at bringing some honesty and professionalism to the board despite his own well known failures. He's the only one regularly engaging with the public and I do think that he's being honest in his answers. One may not agree with him on everything but I don't feel like he's gaslighting us. The only question is how long is it going to take before the mass of people realize what is happening.
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Joe McClash writes:

Driving away volunteers without discussing any issues is not professional. This county is blessed to have thousands of volunteers. They should all be able to comment as to conditions needing improvement or to let anyone know things are great. They should also have the same rights as a whistleblower and protected if they feel the need to expose an issue.
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Charlene writes:

The new site looks great! It's nice to see a more modern aesthetic. And thanks for resolving my subscription hiccup!

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