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This week is qualifying week for candidates who wish to be on the upcoming primary ballot. As noted in the League of Women Voter's article, "Let Our People Vote!" the LWVs called to have the District 5 school board seat filled by an election. However, no one in our Supervisor of Election's Office seems to know if the District 5 seat will be filled by election or governor's appointment. As a candidate for that seat, I called this morning and spoke to David Ballard, the SOE's Chief of Staff to see if a decision had been made. He informed me their office was waiting to hear from "their attorneys." I asked who their attorneys were and he said Gray Robinson Law, whose closest office is in Tampa. I spoke to a woman at Gray Robinson who said she knew nothing about the situation but would do some research and get back to me. Hopefully, a legal opinion will be provided to our SOE's office before qualifying ends Friday, June 14th. Nancy T. Sanders, Candidate for Manatee County School Board, District 5

From: Let Our People Vote!

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