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New College Foundation Adds Mike Rahn to Board


New College Foundation Inc. announced this week that Manatee County Commission Chair Mike Rahn has been added to its Board of Directors for 2024-2025.

The Foundation raises money to support student scholarships, academic programs, faculty hiring, capital improvements to the New College campus, and other key initiatives. The appointments of Rahn and A.J. Janson were made by New College Board of Trustees chair and 1980 New College alumna Debra Jenks.

“A.J. Janson and Mike Rahn are deeply rooted in our local community and understand the role having a renowned small liberal arts college serves in elevating the region,” said New College President Richard Corcoran. “As we work together toward establishing New College’s place among the nation’s preeminent liberal arts colleges, we will also be strengthening its connection culturally and economically within Sarasota and Manatee counties.”


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  • Charles

    New College was a renowned honors college of the state university system. It graduated more Fulbright Scholars relative to its student enrollment — than any other college or university in the entire USA. The honors college is being dismantled and remodled after a private religious college in another state that has no other claim than its stiffling of achieveing the capacity for critical thinking that used to be the objective of a 'Liberal Arts' education. Since the renowned honors college is being dismantled, it should be abandoned. Why have two similar state colleges next to one another? Let the name of New College retain its relationship to high academic achievement for those who are graduates and former professors — in past tense — so it still may be something to be proud of. A respectful memorial ceremony would be appropriate.

    8 hours ago Report this