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Except for Commissioner Kruse- who is the only commissioner interacting with the public on a regular basis, commissioners no longer answer their e-mail, phones, they do not engage with the public in a respectful manner at commissioner meetings, nor do they acknowledge written public comment. Only their non-elected, taxpayer funded, “political” aide interacts with the public. Government accessibility and accountability will never happen with these 6 commissioners. With the exception of Kruse commissioners do not wish to have any sort of conversations with the public outside of the one-way interaction they are currently having, they have openly stated at meetings they do not want phone-in public comment because they do not want to hear from the public. The public needs to start posting their comments to the agenda of the regular board of county commission meetings under future agenda. While 6 commissioners will continue to disregard, the public at large will be able to view along with the media and our lone representative Kruse.

From: County Restricts Public Input on Social Media

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