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This policy has Kevin VanOstenbridge’s fingerprints all over it - only because his co-conspirator campaign manager Anthony Pedicini is experienced enough in slime to wear gloves. Their goal is to turn the County’s social media pages into re-election campaign propaganda. They post absurdities like Manatee is tough on development, or that Animal Services is a happy healthy place for animals and volunteers. Their only hope for reelection is an uninformed electorate. They are afraid of smart, well-informed citizens like Lisa Hamilton, Charlene Kow, and Glen Gibellina, who follow what they do, not what they say. Charlie Bishop, the like-minded deputy of disgraced former Administrator Scott Hopes, shares Hopes’ and VanOstenbridge’s hostility to transparency and lack of integrity - the perfect qualifications for corruption. He should have been asked to follow Hopes out the door. This new social media censorship, while abhorrent, should come as no surprise coming from a commissioner (KVO) that prohibits citizens from making public comments by phone (it’s only 30 minutes).The same commissioner that intentionally avoids compliance with public records law by refusing to use a county cell phone to conduct county business. And an administration that continues to terminate animal services volunteers for speaking up about shelter conditions (another one was fired a few days ago). They are using a public platform to benefit their campaigns, hoping uninformed voters won’t figure out they have rubber stamped the clear cutting that is destroying Manatee county. VOTE THEM OUT

From: County Restricts Public Input on Social Media

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