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Adriaan DeVilliers


Political platform statement

Why I am running for this office: I am running for office because, as a proud citizen and immigrant from South Africa, I have a grave concern for our State and Country. From the 1950’s to 1990 I lived through the same short-sighted authoritarian and fascist leanings presented by an extreme element of the Republican Party, that drove South African politics at the time. The so-called National Party in South Africa, came to power falsely riding on themes of Christian Nationalism, Patriotism, and Freedom. … sounds familiar?! It is dangerous political stupidity which every freedom loving citizen of our democratic republic must reject decisively by voting for Democrats up and down the November ballot. A cornerstone of the S. African regime was to take complete control of the schools and their curricula to re-write “history” in their image to suit their propaganda. That is a cornerstone of the Republican Project 2025 which is already being implemented by DeSantis and his extreme yes-men in Florida. Please download and read their Project 2025 takeover plan. Secondly, I am running because I am shocked and deeply concerned by the Republican Attack on Women which my incumbent opponent Will Robinson, DeSantis, Rick Scott and Trump whole-heartedly embraces (Trump again trying to do last-minute damage control by re-phrasing his role in the mess he created through his SCOTUS appointees). This is an attack on basic human freedom by Republican men who believe they have the right to partake in private most sensitive health choices of all women to dictate what they can or cannot do. Vote for me in November, and I will represent the will of the people of Manatee County and Florida over mega donors. Vote4Florida.com

Home town: Palmetto