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Sari Lindroos-Valimaki


Political platform statement

Why I am running for this office: Why I'm Running for the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners The role of the Board of County Commissioners is to legislate policy for the health, wellbeing, safety, and quality of life for all residents of Manatee County. Unfortunately, the current board has failed us in this responsibility. On March 26, 2021, I received a text message to evacuate immediately due to an imminent threat at the Piney Point phosphate stack. While the feared tsunami of polluted water did not occur, over 200 million gallons of contaminated water were dumped into Tampa Bay. This action worsened the red algae bloom that summer, causing significant economic and environmental damage. Instead of addressing the root of the problem, the board continues to drill this contaminated water deep into the ground, claiming it's safe. However, we might discover decades from now that this was a disastrous decision. Moreover, the current board is prioritizing the interests of developers over the needs of our community. They are pushing for developments beyond the planned areas, failing to charge fully funded impact fees. As a result, the burden of inadequate infrastructure falls on taxpayers, rather than those profiting from the developments. Their short-sighted decisions are leaving a legacy of bad choices that jeopardize our future. The current board's actions show a complete disregard for our community's wellbeing and safety. It's time for a change. We need leaders who prioritize the health and future of Manatee County residents. I am running to restore accountability, ensure our community's interests are protected, and bring responsible, forward-thinking leadership to the board.

Home town: Palmetto