Well, 2023 is about to be in our rearview window. It's been a turbulent 12 months at every level, from local to state, to national to global; there seems to have been more chaos than should have fit into the calendar. But as we wind down, I would like to thank our readers for your support.
In today's economy, running a newspaper under any circumstances is not easy. Still, the level of corruption we have seen in Manatee County surely rivals any place in the United States per capita, making it all the more difficult for journalists to keep up with informing the public.
This year, we began a voluntary subscription program that has allowed us to increase our output and at least come closer to getting out of the red and breaking even. Whether you subscribed monthly, or annually, or gave a one-time donation of whatever you could, we are extremely grateful for your support.
As we head into what will be one of the most pivotal local election cycles in our county's history, we aim to provide our community with comprehensive coverage that will make it easier for our citizens to cut through the onslaught of dark money attack ads and fluff campaigns to cast informed votes based on what they believe is truly best for our collective future here in Manatee County.
In the meantime, I hope that you can take some time to enjoy this holiday season with family and friends. We will be off this Wednesday (no Midweek Update) but will be back for the Weekender on Friday and to present our Best of 2023 edition next Sunday.
If you haven't already subscribed and would like to, please click here.
Mitch Maley
Editor in Chief
The Bradenton Times
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