Commissioner Ballard,
I am writing about (1) constant speeding on Willow Street and (2) the need for some type of speed-calming planning & remedy (remedies).
The situation has become dangerous and desperate, both here and throughout the County. I note that in the more than 12 years my company has owned the Historic property, the County has done little to improve the situation.
In fact, the disproportionate amount of our property taxes (almost four times that of the Sara Bay Country), when combined with the fact that our property is affected by the School tax and when no children reside at the Villa Serena Inn, is all the more disappointing.
Within your Board's purview, it would seem that the emphasis has been more concerned with development and less with rational Planning, planning which would enhance the safety of the County and your constituents.
Would you be good enough to pass this email on to the appropriate party so that proper planning and safety may be effected.
Thank you in advance for your prompt consideration!
Very truly,
Steven Levin
Villa Serena Inn
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I'm confused. Why would Mr. Levin write a public letter to Commissioner Ballard, when his property is clearly in District 4, Commissioner Rahn's district. Even prior to the redistricting (gerrymandering) a couple years ago, Mr. Levin's property was in District 4, which was then Misty Servia's district. Has he contacted anyone else with the County as it pertains to traffic and speeding? Perhaps reach out to Manatee County Sheriff's office for speeding issues? As a property owner, we often experience frustrations and feel issues are not being addressed, yet we should do our part to be better informed and to bring issues to the appropriate regulatory or enforcement persons or departments.
Sunday, April 14, 2024 Report this