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Letter to the editor

Vote Yes on Amendment 4


The Bradenton Times, even though its editor and premier reporter are of the same party as the current Governor of Florida and majority Legislature, recognize the precepts of good governance. But this Governor and Legislature ignore governing for the good, in favor of rule by fait. Thus far, so badly written are these laws, many can't pass inspection by even the biased courts!

A democracy is ruled by consent of the governed - yes, a majority consent; but it is usually with consideration due to the sensibilities; and even the validity of a minority opinion! (Thus, in time of war, we have citizens who do not fight - legally - Conscientious Objectors). This can exist because of one overarching reason enshrined in the Constitution, and thus, it is prevalent upon all states to support the general welfare of the whole!

Therefore, no Florida Legislature should assume it has this power of Divine Providence when it makes law! The decision to continue a pregnancy belongs soley to the pregnant person and her choice of advisors, including both spiritual and medical advisors. The parameters of that decision, as set by Amendment 4... provide for a sensible govenance and a reasonable policy going forward. Vote Yes on Amendment 4, Right to Abortion Initiative.

Sandra Gander