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letter to the editor

Flooding: Are We Reaping What Our Politicians Sowed?


Dear Editor: are we reaping what the MCC has sowed? We now hear of flooded homes throughout the county and we should be questioning our Commissioners:

1. Did you vote to approve developer/builder subdivision plans without insisting on adequate stormwater controls?

2. Did you vote to minimize developer impact fees, which could have been applied to infrastructure such as flood controls/drainage?

3. Did you accept developer election donations with strings attached?

Voters must insist that our commissioners govern to protect us and our homes, not the profits of developers.

Jose Uranga
University park


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  • san.gander

    Three excellent questions. The answer is obvious as has been seen by the recent property damaging floods after storms! Our storm water protection controls are inadequate for the development that has been allowed.

    The Manatee Comissioners have failed the businesses and citizens! There is one solution for the citizens... vote them out. Find those who will serve and put the good of all the people of the county over that of lining the pockets of developers!

    Sunday, September 8 Report this