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Letter to the editor

Stop the Swap!


The list of DeSantis’ bad decisions for Florida is long and hurtful. Yet another is his fast-tracked 324-acre tract swap of Withlacoohe State Forest land to Cabot Citus for 861 acres of timber land in rural Levy County. Cabot intends to expand its golf community.

This land is part of the wildlife corridor, which took a lot of work at every level to create and is as important as the state parks. I am truly stunned that this horrible DeSantis decision has not been given the public attention it too deserves.

The swap is one meeting away from being approved. We need to be vocal. We have to stop the swap.

Mary Ann Englert
Terra Ceia


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  • san.gander

    Yes, again - the state - make that DeSantis and his "rubber stamp" legislature is putting money ahead of the "good" of the state of Florida. The wildlife corridor is much more valuable to the state than another golf community! Selling off state property for some company's private gain, a private golf course, rather than saving state land for the preservation of Florida's natural wildlife! Florida doesn't need the this kind of money... why are you doing this? It doesn't benefit the people of Florida! Did some dark money flow into your campaign coffers?

    S.J. Gander

    Friday, September 6 Report this