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Letter to the editor

NO on Amendment 2: Here is why


It is not needed, as hunting and fishing is already safely regulated for Floridians. Perhaps Floridians haven't looked closely at Amendment 2 - after all it doesn't change much, but it could have a serious affect on the Floridians that hunt and fish for their table and sport in the state.

How, you ask? Well, note that the amendment prioritizes "hunting" as "the method" of controlling & regulating wildlife, but doesn't establish, fund, or prescribe how the Florida Fish & Wildlife Dept. is to "regulate the newly authorized game regulation"!

It could open Florida's wildlife to slaughter by "well healed" and likely out-of-state licensed hunters (not Floridians) hunting in Florida. And what is to stop the state from regulations leasing land for private sports clubs hunting preserves for the rich, not open to the public as part of the new regulations need to control wildlife!

The business mentally of our Republican Govenor & his rubber stamp Legislature seeing cash flow for the state coffers just might do it. They tried to prioritize pickle ball courts, golf clubs, and resorts over nature in State Parks, and have pledged to try again!

That is the real purpose, the true goal, of this amendment - profit. That is the honest answer as to why the Legislature put it there. It is NOT NEEDED! Floridians vote "NO" on Amend 2, - save Florida lands and it's wildlife!


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  • N_Alice_Newlon

    The primary reasons for NO given by Sierra Club boil down to 2 words. "Traditional" and "preferred". The fear is that the use of the word "traditional" would open up now banned practices that are traditional such as bear traps and gill nets (called the wall of death). Preferred means that hunting and fishing would be placed above non-lethal or perhaps more humane means of wildlife management making it both less humane and also possibly having catastrophic effects on wildlife that we might not be able to recover from.

    Sunday, September 8 Report this