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State of our Nation


Dear Editor, As I reflect on the state of our nation, I am struck by the deep divisions that pervade every level of American society - from the schoolhouse to the White House. Our rhetoric and actions increasingly fan the flames of hatred rather than fostering love, peace, and harmony.

Political leaders claim to want to make America great, but their words and deeds often exacerbate the problem. We've lost sight of the principles that once united us: compassion, empathy, and understanding. In this tumultuous time, I propose we embrace the timeless teaching of "Love for All, Hatred for None."

This simple yet profound phrase offers a path forward, reminding us that our diversity is a strength, not a weakness. As a nation of diverse cultures, languages, and backgrounds, we can harness our differences to build bridges, not walls. We can choose to celebrate our unique perspectives and talents, rather than letting them divide us.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) wisely said, "Man cannot be at peace with his God if he is not at peace with his fellow man." As we prepare to elect leaders, let us remind them that true peace, unity, and security stem from embracing love and rejecting hatred.

I hope our leaders will adopt "Love for All, Hatred for None" as their guiding slogan, recognizing that our collective future depends on it. Only then can we become the America that leads the world towards peace, harmony, and prosperity.

Farooq Ahmad
Hallandale Beach, FL


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