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Do you agree with the Florida Democratic Party's decision to keep President Biden's primary challengers off the state's ballot?

No 84% | 136 votes
Yes 16% | 25 votes


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  • David Daniels

    The Democrat's are relying on the strategy that anyone's drunk grandfather could beat Trump. It's unbelievably dumb. If somehow Haley ends up the nominee, she would beat Biden in a landslide - and that is best case. Worst case, the Dems are responsible for the loss of democracy by forcing onto the ballot (and down our throat) a person that 65% of the country can't stand.

    Sunday, December 10, 2023 Report this

  • san.gander

    The Democrats should not fear a primary that is open to Democratic candidates. I think most Democratic voters can determine who is legitimate, not those who are "one issue" types, or have far out ideas leading not in the best interests of the country. Our Party Leaders are wrong to distrust Democratic voters. Those leaders should work more on educating our own voters on just what/who those running in the primary really want or stand for, not close the primary.

    It is easy for everyone to note the contrast between level headed, freedom and liberty loving Democrats, who work to help their neighbors, and to "lift all boats" compared with that other party of the, selfish ("I'll tell you what's right and good for you - and make it a law!), now called the Republican party. (I think they used to call them Puritans!)

    Sunday, December 10, 2023 Report this

  • Cat L

    I'd much rather see Democracy.

    Monday, December 11, 2023 Report this

  • kmskepton

    This was an interesting one. I voted "No" but I didn't have a sense of how others had voted. Now I know.

    Tuesday, December 12, 2023 Report this