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George Kruse

Endorsed by The Bradenton Times

George Kruse

Political platform statement

The Manatee County Commission District 7 Republican primary(Countywide) will feature two incumbents, District 7’s George Kruse and District 3’s Kevin Van Ostenbridge, the latter of whom dropped out of his district to seek the countywide “at-large” seat.

The Bradenton Times recommends Republican George Kruse for this race.

George Kruse was elected in 2020 as part of a new majority that, somewhat ironically, included both Van Ostenbridge and interim SOE James Satcher. All three candidates received strong support from politically connected developer Carlos Beruff. To his credit, Kruse maintained from the beginning that while Beruff had been generous to his campaign (mostly out of disdain for his primary opponent, former Manatee County Administrator Ed Hunzeker), he had made it clear that he would not be beholden to the developer’s wishes.

His independence was tested early when he resisted the new majority’s initial attempt to remove then-county administrator Cheri Coryea and when he opposed the proposed weakening of the “perils of flood” policy. However, Kruse soon discovered that Beruff and his allies did not tolerate dissent, leading to his isolation from the majority and their supporters in the development community.

Through his advocacy at meetings and the regular town halls he hosts, Kruse has consistently given voice to a frustrated majority of engaged citizens who have been blatantly ignored by their so-called elected officials. This includes Van Ostenbridge, whose reputation in his own district was so poor that he was forced to try his hand in a much larger race, where he hopes to spend his mountain of developer cash (nearly five times what Kruse has raised) convincing low-information voters via red-meat national issues.

Commissioner George Kruse may have made some mistakes in his personal life during his first term. That said, he has consistently been the only commissioner of seven who has demonstrated a willingness to engage the public, hear constituents of all political stripes, and give voice to the people he is charged with representing. Moreover, he has been the only commissioner on an all-Republican board who has consistently demonstrated a consistent commitment to conservative principles, not just rhetoric.




From the Candidate's website:

I will continue to bring a common sense conservative voice to our Board of County Commissioners. We will focus on a small government, limited tax agenda that will protect both the personal rights and the personal capital of the citizens of Manatee County. I will ensure that diverse, free market views are heard and enacted for the benefit of the overall community in order to lower your cost of living while raising your quality of life.

I will actually focus on smart and inclusive growth in Manatee County, not just use these terms as soundbites. Rather than allowing unimpeded sprawl east of the FDAB, we need to develop incentives to encourage future growth where it is most sustainable. I will place a focus on in-fill redevelopment and areas in proximity to existing infrastructure, services and employment bases to minimize both environmental impact and traffic congestion. Most importantly, I will ensure future growth pays for itself.

I will return both transparency and your collective voice to our local government. Too many people in Manatee County feel they have lost a voice in the decision-making process. I will continue my town hall series to ensure that we bring discussions out in the public and that everyone in our community is afforded the right to be heard and respected. I believe in open dialogue, fair representation and opportunity for all through inclusive policies.

In 2024, I will run my own campaign with the incredible support I’ve already been offered by the community and not with paid consultants. I will not bundle checks from LLC’s or PAC’s that give a select few any perceived influence. I will attend all debates and continuously speak with the community without hiding behind scripts and pre-vetted, “friendly” events. Finally, I will pledge to focus on the local issues that affect your day-to-day lives and the positives of my proposed policies.