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Letter: Why I am voting for Richard Tatem for School Board District 5

Governor Ron DeSantis, during his first term, has promoted an education platform that prioritizes students' needs and encourages parents to be active participants in their children's education and curriculum.

The governor's platform emphasizes parental rights, student success, curriculum transparency, as well as financial literacy, STEM and civics education, and a renewed commitment to teaching Florida students about the importance of our country’s founding principles and documents. It is crucial that Florida students have an understanding of why our system of government is unique and why it is vital to preserving our liberty and freedom.

On August 23, Retired Air Force Colonel Richard Tatem is on the ballot for Manatee County School Board District 5. Having served our great nation, Tatem will bring a wealth of knowledge, relevant experience, and leadership to the Manatee County School Board.

Tatem will help implement DeSantis's Education Agenda, while also vowing to make the Manatee County School Board more transparent and hold members accountable for how our taxpayer dollars are being spent. He will also fight to ensure that parents are adequately represented and that their concerns are heard.

Tatem, like DeSantis, will ensure that patriotic education returns to our schools in Manatee County. Woke ideologies that only seek to further divide our communities will have absolutely no place in our schools in Manatee County. Character, moral development, performance and preparing Florida students for the workforce will be Tatem's top priorities.

I hope you will join me on August 23; I intend to vote for Colonel Tatem.

Tamara Fitzgerald
Senior Foreign Service Officer, Retired
Bradenton, FL

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