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LWV County Commission Meeting Notes: 8/9/2022

The League of Women Voters of Manatee County Government Committee observes Manatee County Commission meetings for items of interest to the League and notes adherence, or lack of adherence, to good governance procedures and the Sunshine Law. The following are the major points from the BOCC Regular Meeting on 8/9/2022, observed by Maureen Dardinski.

ITEMSOF INTERESTClick Here for Agenda

All Clams on Deck
Ed Chiles, a founding board member of All Clams on Deck and the owner of the Chiles Group, operating restaurants on Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key, who also serves on numerous boards in Manatee County, gave a compelling report on the use of bivalves (clams) to improve water quality in Manatee County. He talked about the importance of taking care of the environment, the effect of red tide on tourism and local jobs, and the importance of having a successful project in Manatee County which would set an example for other communities with water quality issues throughout the United States. Chiles has received help from USF and Gulf Coast University, and legislators such as Robinson, Boyd, Buchanan, and DeSantis, and requested $500,000 from the County to match state and federal funds.

A motion to give the $500,000 passed 7-0.

Note: Budget Changes after Millage Passed:
After the 2022 millage was passed on 7/28/2022, Commissioners agreed to fund an additional $770k to expand the pool at Premiere Sports Park, and today the additional $500K for All Clams on Deck. To do so, funds will need to be eliminated from other projects already in the 2022-2023 budget. Commissioners have signaled their interest in further decreasing the millage, indicating further cuts.

Port Authority
Presentation on 2022-2023 Budget and Capital Improvement Plan request. Port continues to meet and exceed goals. Budget passed unanimously.

Execution of Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Addendum to Agreement for Kinnan Park (future Governor Ron DeSantis Park) Improvements
Two citizens commented that they are glad to see this park, which is in District 2, improved but they don’t want the name changed. The park does not change their opinion that their community has been marginalized for many years. It will not help with the potholes, lack of sidewalks and lighting in their district.

This item generated a vigorous discussion among the commissioners on the naming of the park, which was determined at theMay 24 2022 BoCC Regular meeting. Clague noted that someone needs to reach out to the Governor’s office before it is done. Baugh responded that the Governor knows because she is in touch with him and that he likes this.

The motion to execute the GMP addendum to fund the improvements to the park passed 6-1, Bellamy dissenting.

Coquina Beach Market
During Commissioner Agenda items Servia expressed concern that she did not get official word from County Administrator Hopes about changes with the market; she heard from others that the vendor lost her contract and the county is taking over the market.

Hopes responded that there was a lot more to the issue; he did a tour of the area to investigate, ultimately leading to his decision to change the management of the market. He sent an email to all Commissioners with a copy of online complaints about the market. VanOstenbridge added that as he is the district's commissioner, he was kept in the loop.

Whitmore and Servia expressed their views that all Commissioners should have been in the loop on the policy issue to change management of the market to the County, and that these changes should be voted on by the full Board.

Link to Good Governance Guidelines

The agenda was not posted at least a week in advance. Good governance suggests posting the agenda at least a week in advance, with all of the information needed for the public and other interested parties to review.Furthermore, the deadline for public comment was reduced by 2 days without explanation: "Online written comments for theAugust 9, 2022, Regular Meetingmust be submitted by Wednesday, August 3, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.“ Combined with the late posting of the agenda and materials, this created a severe limitation on the public's time for review and comment and is poor governance.

During the discussion on funding the improvements to "Kinnan“ Park, the previously calm, professional tone of the meeting became contentious and political. Chair VanOstenbridge did not attempt to reign in his colleagues during this discussion.

Some commissioners continue to express concerns regarding briefing meetings and obtaining all the information they need from County Administrator Hopes. Hopes’ indicated that his assistant was working to set up briefings before every public meeting, and he was also making himself available for quarterly meal meetings with all commissioners. Servia acknowledged that the briefings and meal meetings had been recently offered, but that it was not yet fully operational.

Although Servia mentioned during Commissioner Agenda Items that several of them needed to leave at 11:30 for a lunch engagement, Chair VanOstenbridge indicated he did not have a plan to accommodate an early lunch and later return to complete the meeting. At 11:54 the meeting was ended by Attorney Clague saying there was not a quorum, indicating that at least 4 commissioners had left the room. The meeting was not resumed after lunch.
Toemail the commissionersClick Here

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