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letter to the editor

Our Vote by Mail was Cancelled


I am a snowbird who has been a vote-by-mail person for years. Having read about our new supervisor of elections inexperience, I decided to check on my voter status.

I looked online to check, and my status is “CANCELLED”. We specifically had gone to the office before we headed north to verify that we were recorded as vote by mail, and we were.

So I called the office to find out why we were cancelled. The answer was because when Satcher sent out his recent information, it was considered undeliverable and voting info is not forwardable. So they cancelled us!

If that is true for all snowbirds, then it is a sneaky way to eliminate us from voting in this critical election!

To all snowbirds, heck your current status, even if you have registered to vote by mail!

Val Penka


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