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letter to the editor

Vote Yes on Amendment 4


I’m voting Yes on Amendment 4 and want to share why. Floridians deserve to know what’s at stake. Florida’s current abortion law is extreme. It is a six-week abortion ban, which is before most women learn they are pregnant. The result is effectively a total abortion ban.

This extreme ban has no real exceptions for rape, incest or protecting the heath or life of the pregnant woman. It puts pregnant women’s lives at risk.

My vote YES on 4 is a vote to protect the freedom of women to keep private reproductive healthcare decisions between themselves and their doctor, without interference from politicians. My vote YES on 4 is a vote to protect the ability of medical professionals to provide reproductive healthcare that saves women’s lives in emergency situations and not risk the loss of their license or potential jail time.

My vote YES on 4 is a vote to prevent politicians from forcing women to carry to term the result of a rape or incest. My vote YES on 4 is a vote to return women’s fundamental freedom to make private reproductive medical decisions about their own bodies.

Florida’s abortion ban is too extreme.

Vote Yes on Amendment 4.

Holly Kennedy
Lakewood Ranch


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