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Islandman writes:

Says the man who has violated the Supreme Court ruling against the forgiving of student loans! Says the man who has obliterated his sovereign obligation to protect our borders, by allowing in 10 million+ unvetted immigrants, Says the man who has initiated politically motivated charges vs. his opponent for the Presidency of the United States Of America. Says the man who is being investigated by Congress for selling access to China and the Ukraine for large payouts! Says the man who has totally weaponized the Justice Department and his Lackey, Attorney General Merritt Garland against Conservatives, Christians, Parents, and those awful MAGA folks. Only The Bidens and the Democrats could demonize something as meaningful as, “Make America Great Again!”
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Cat L writes:

Horrific. What's worse is that I know a list of women personally who have been assaulted in church or at a church function. This is not unusual, unfortunately. I myself had to throw an old man off of me in a basement hallway once. It is repulsive to me that religious people point fingers outside of their own community and accuse innocent people of harming children in this way, when they should be policing their own population. Clean your own house first.
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

Were there no applicants from public high schools?

gwtenery@gmail.com writes:

Biden's debate night was a disappointment, Trump's was a stream of lies and avoiding answering a direct question about .... his fingerprints eliminating abortion and necessary healthcare for U.S. women, January 6th ... and his golf handicap. However, as bad as Biden's performance was on Thursday ... on Friday the State of the Union Biden showed up! I'm going to say that ANYONE can have a bad night, especially if they're sick with a cold/sore throat. But ... in a choice between democracy, freedom and the rule of law ... I'm going to stick with Biden.
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Marching, albeit cowardly, straight into authoritarianism.

kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

It is never-ending with these people. Thank you for your efforts.

kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Cool. Sounds interesting to visit the EOC. Just signed up. Thanks for the info.

David Daniels writes:

Great piece! Thank you for the research.So true that buying and then owning County commissioners are insanely profitable investments for developers.I am hoping their greed bites them in the butt this election, but I'm not optimistic.Too many R primary voters care more about bullying lgbt kids and banning books than they do about getting screwed over by puppet commissioners (no offense to the Blue puppet). I've been hoping that the Florida political pendulum swings back toward the center but we keep going farther right into fascism.
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jimandlope@aol.com writes:

Typical DeSantis in that he loathes legitimate medical advice unless it comes from our, “quack,” Florida Surgeon General. Rather than considering the advisement he would rather pander to the gun lobby and declare any gun rights initiative more important than Floridians’ health. Pitiful Ron. Jim Tierney
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WTF writes:

Solar panels are at all time low, some new panels are going for .16 cents a watt. 30 years ago is was $15.00 a watt Every home that has a solar window that can put solar, should. Paybacks are typically less that 7 years. Why not get free energy from your rooftop than across transmission lines 20 or more miles away. We still have net metering, 30% tax credit and more so it's a win win for the homeowners.
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sandy writes:

I originally changed my party affiliation because of Satcher being appointed SOE. I was determined this year I would have a vote that counted, not like 2020 and 2022. As a Democrat I couldn't vote in the county primaries because of write-ins. I'm in District 4 and I did not like Rahn because of his performance on the Planning Commission but because of a write-in I couldn't vote in the primary. Truthfully, I only registered in 1975 Democrat because of my parents and where I grew up Democrats were the dominant party. I have never voted a party line which would **** off my brother. My changing a party affiliation allows me to have a vote in the primary as Republicans are the dominant party in Manatee. In the general (which for the first time in a few years the decision will be made then for some of the races) I can vote for who I want no matter the party. In 2020 nobody really knew KVO and his sound bites sounded good. The first meeting he moved to removed Cheri Coryea. We know who he is now. Hopefully enough people in District 7 have also been paying attention. He is not for the citizens of the county and he needs to be voted out. Vote Kruse, Farrington, and Hackney in the primary.
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ruthlawler@att.net writes:

As I owned property ON Rodman Reservoir for 14 years and lived there full time for seven years, I am very familiar with the Rodman Reservoir controversy. My property was nearly seven acres in Ocala National Forest, overlooking the Reservoir and bordering the Marjorie Harris Carr Greenway. There are several statements in the article that are totally incorrect. The water is NOT stagnant, as MILLIONS of gallons of water flows through at the dam daily. Manatees most assuredly CAN and do come into Rodman Resevoir through the Buckman Lock. The lock tenders, whom I have personally spoken with several, will OPEN the lock for any manatee that wants through either way, and literally scores of manatees inhabit the Reservoir and enjoy the lush aqautic vegetation. After nearly 60 years of this Reservoir being there, it has become a magnificient wildlife and lush environmental ecosystem. Eagles, Osprey, Red wing Blackbirds, and many, many mammels such as deer, bear, otters and more. I have kayaked the length of Ocklawaha from Silver Springs, up into and through the entire distance of Rodman and well past the dam. I am grateful to Marjorie Harris Carr lobbying successfully to stop the Cross Florida Barge canal, a true boondoggle. Yet the reservoir provides much more benefit than problems. I encourage all to visit the reservoir, and to read the non-positional book "Ditch of Dreams". Most who are against Rodman Reservoir have NEVER seen it or experienced this incredible ecosystem. It would take many decades, if ever, for full restoration to happen and millions of taxpayers dollars. Leave it alone!
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pattybeenutty@gmail.com writes:

Why is the county not adding specific chemicals to the drinking water before it reaches our homes? Is that too hard to do?

sandy writes:

To be honest, in 1975 I registered Democrat because my parents were and in the area I grew up you could have a better chance at a civil service job if Democrat. I didn't get one but was hired by a gentleman who besides being a business owner,was a rare Republican in the county legislature (that's what they were called). I never changed my party even though my brother accused me of being too conservative. Until I moved to Manatee County it wasn't an issue but with the county being Republican by majority and most candidates Republican I have continually been shut out of the primary because of a write-in candidate.This year I am determined to have a vote, so I have changed my party affiliation. I am not a die-hard for either party but will vote for who I feel is the most qualified. The write-in loophole needs to be eliminated so the primaries encompass all voters. Vote for Scott Farrington.
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sandy writes:

It was hard to understand the word salad coming out of Satcher's mouth that effectively did not answer the questions directly even after being warned. Vote Farrington for SOE! Get experience back in that office.
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Rlasunto@gmail.com writes:

Finally we hear the real story on the brazen reallocation of tax payers money to the developers. How can we get another 3 people like George? Next to impossible , not only due to developers money, but also to the ignorance of the public Not ony does the lack of Impact fees affect taxpayers but also the switch from the 50 foot protection barrier protecting our water. Raised our FEMA risk level from a 4 to 5. This affected every tax payers flood insurance to probably 10 to 30% Pinnelas county recently made changes to their water protection as well as other protective infrastructure which lowered then from a 2 rating to a 1 rating thus lowering the flood insurance by 40%.
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docksidejd@bellsouth.net writes:

Tal is the best of the best. If you want change in Manatee County and live in District 3, please vote for Tal. He truly cares about our local government and about Manatee County's well being. He is NOT developer driven.
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

This is an interesting alliance. We need to know more about the actual funding of the project. Is Manatee County Public Safety just serving as a referral conduit to Ally? Will Ally receive remuneration for its services from the patient's insurance company or is Manatee County footing the bill for the service? If this is a referral service only, does Manatee County receive a referral payment from Ally?
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

This isn't rocket science folks. The developer Ponzi scheme of underfunding impact fees is starting to collapse. The shell game is over, current homeowners will be paying underfunded impact costs that the developers have avoided through their bought and paid for commissioners.
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