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Debann writes:


Dianna writes:

Just another reason to vote Kruse. The public can't even keep track of all the damage these commissioners have done to our county- thanks for the reminder.

Debann writes:


Charles writes:

Some additional information and correction, the preseve is entitled by the college and the state as the Uplands Preserve because it is a portion of a plated and incorporated subdivision entitled, The Uplands. Lake Uplands vents to the bay across the preserve. That vent of fresh water is what led to homesteading by the Edwards family in the 1840s and the vent is indicated on the early Florida plat (1895) of the area as Thompson's Shell Beach. The subdivison gave their entire bayfront to New College with the understanding that it would be "preserved" and when New College was put into the USF framwork as the state honors college the preservation of the entire bayfront was of great importance — to the extent that, when the two institutions divorced, a definitive agreement was made to divide the preserve for official management — but only upon the agreement that neither institution would build anything upon the preserve beyond the bicycle path already in place at the time. The land was to remain in a natural state. This breach of trust has many dimensions.
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

Go to this link and compare Canadian and US drug costs: https://www.canadapharmacyonline.com/ Medicare doesn't even need to negotiate drug costs for its members the 340B program that is available for the VA, Critical access hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers and Medicaid recipients has already set significantly reduced costs for patients of these healthcare systems. If Congress were to mandate access to the 340B medications to be sold to Medicare recipients at cost plus a reasonable dispensing fee there would be a dramatic savings for all Medicare patients.
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Cat L writes:

Absolutely, and well said. I would venture to say that most of the people living in this area have no clue of the rich creative culture that comes from here.

kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

It's a lie. Unless it's referring to the "freedom" to ban books, "freedom" to limit a woman's choices about her body, "freedom" to cut all funding for the arts, "freedom" to attack the LGBTQ community, and last but certainly not least, "freedom" to pretend to be "Christian."
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pattybeenutty@gmail.com writes:

Thank you, Sandra

kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

And reading the junk in the mailbox is NOT research. Those are largely paid for by the developer-backed candidates, along with the large signs all over town. Also, visit the https://www.votemanatee.com/Candidate-Information/Local-Candidates-Committees website to see how much the candidates have in their campaign coffers. Often, though not always, the ones with much larger amounts are developer-backed. Vote KRUSE for District 7 and FARRINGTON for SOE.
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lib224@gmail.com writes:

So he's pretty much a professional liar. Too bad so many fall for it.

EPG2002 writes:

This is excellent and I appreciate your honesty. However, if you want to fully come clean, why don't you tell us about the process that led to your becoming a candidate for the County Commission in the first place. Who suggested you run for office? Whose ring did you have to kiss? What promises did you have to make? Who funneled money to your campaign and how? And tell us about your discussions with Pedicini and other political consultants on the messaging for your campaign. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Until the deep rot in Manatee County politics is completely exposed, it will continue to spread.
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sandy writes:

I changed my party affiliation when Satcher got the SOE nod from DeSantis. My goal at that time was to elect Scott Farrington. Now that KVO switched districts I most certainly vote for Kruse in the primary. I moved here 30 years ago as a Democrat (which I registered as because of my parents in 1975). I live in District 4 and won't be changing back. I want to also vote out Rahn and Beardon in 2026.
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WTF writes:

George Kruse says it best "Who’s Increasing Your Fees? Their tv ad only made one factual statement. I did, in fact, vote to increase water and trash rates. Our utility bonds were going to imminently default if we didn’t increase our water rates after so many years of keeping them flat as interest rates rose. Our trash contract had long since expired and new rates were a result of 12 years of non-increases under the old contract. What wasn’t exactly factual is that I wasn’t the only one to make those hard but necessary votes. In March 2023, water rates were increased in a 6-1 vote. Also voting to increase your water rates…Kevin. In August 2023, trash rates were increased in a 7-0 vote. Also voting to increase your trash rates…Kevin. https://commissionerkruse.substack.com/p/the-full-funding-of-half-truths?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=910841&post_id=146379024&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1ul9ot&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email But they’ll continue saying I’m pushing to “increase fees”. What they’re really talking about are IMPACT FEES. I have 100% pushed to increase these fees which the rest of the board has held back to your detriment for far too long. I’ll readily admit to that and I’ll venture a guess, unless you’re on Kevin’s financial statement, you’re on my side too."
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ruthlawler@att.net writes:

We are focusing on the many distractions of our corrupt County Commissioners being bought by the oligarch developers, while our entire planet is hurtling toward extinction while we burn up ourselves and our planet through ignorance and greed. The science is clear. All of this is important, and ironically also related. BEING informed with accurate and truthful information, and acting appropriately on this information, is critical for good governance and for survival of our planet. Ruth Lawler
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Charles writes:

And who would Floridians like to see replace the Republican nominee? Steve Bannon? Kevin Roberts? Stephen Miller? Michael Flynn? Rudy Guiliani? they also would like to be — king Perhaps the Democratic voters would recommend that the Republicans select Liz Cheney, at least she wants to keep the republic. Seems the wrong questions are being asked...
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Charles writes:

New College was a renowned honors college of the state university system. It graduated more Fulbright Scholars relative to its student enrollment — than any other college or university in the entire USA. The honors college is being dismantled and remodled after a private religious college in another state that has no other claim than its stiffling of achieveing the capacity for critical thinking that used to be the objective of a 'Liberal Arts' education. Since the renowned honors college is being dismantled, it should be abandoned. Why have two similar state colleges next to one another? Let the name of New College retain its relationship to high academic achievement for those who are graduates and former professors — in past tense — so it still may be something to be proud of. A respectful memorial ceremony would be appropriate.
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Dianna writes:

What an excellent opinion piece! Sad because you can’t even begin to cover all the damage, the bulk of which was committed in under 2 years, by this “corrupt 6 super majority” of commissioners. Except for Kruse, from the dais these 6 corrupt commissioners openly “hate” and have no desire to listen to citizen’s concerns or needs. Because of their lack of brain power and independent thought they resort to belittling, name-calling, and using the power of their self-created dictator government against the people they are supposed to represent. With the help of our community, citizens have the power to take back Manatee County, but this will only happen if people start talking to their friends and neighbors so that they become informed voters.
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

The "health care provider" argument is idiotic at best. Obviously a dentist can't advise someone about their cancer care, eye care needs, or any other health care needs outside of their specialty. The term health care provider inherently refers to a health care provider licensed to provide diagnosis in a specific area that they are allowed to legally do so. The economic impact issue is also specious, If a current law is deemed unacceptable because of the amendment, that is exactly what the amendment is put in place for. Those laws need to be removed or amended to comply with the Florida constitutional change. These arguments are just attempts to subvert the will of the majority, another attack on democracy.
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Thank you for keeping us well-informed.

sandy writes:

I found it ironic that an inland county, Orange County, increased the wetland buffers for most projects to 100 feet, 2 months after Manatee, a coastal county, removed their buffers. I had 26 years with the county, 23 years doing Floodplain management. I retired in 2022, having had enough of the crazy stuff happening with the BOCC and the major changes including the loss of many long term employees that I had worked or interacted with over the years. We were lied to about transparency, smaller government, fiscal responsibility. I was a Democrat when I moved here, but this year I have changed party affiliation to Republican so I can vote in the primary for the first time in a few election cycles. I wanted a vote that counts to try to bring some sanity back to Manatee County government.
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