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sandy writes:

Shame on DeSantis for approving SB 540. This totally restricts citizens who disagree with changes to a county's comp plan. Beruff must be so proud of mini-me. Other counties have maintained more restrictive buffers. In fact after Manatee voted to remove theirs Orange County voted to make theirs more restrictive. The county hired a consultant who represented Beruff twice and lost both times court after some employees recommended denial for the change. The recommended changes came from the "white paper" submitted to the county from the lawyer for the Building Industry Association and submitted as county initiated because of the higher ups. He even wrote the staff report. He is planner not an environmental scientist. Environmental scientists provided documentation at the board meeting but mini-me accused them of being communists and Soros funded.
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nellmcphillips@hotmail.com writes:

Great work BOCC. More parking is another reason to create more traffic that the BOCC continues to ignore. Who is going to use those parking garages at the beach when it takes two hours to get 10 miles? If I have to drive 2 hours I may as well go to the other coast to go to the beach. And don’t get me started on home rule. Vote these people out!
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N_Alice_Newlon writes:

And yet, there are no warning signs by Manatee County or the Health Department. Those causeway beaches are loaded with people on weekends, many in the water playing and swimming, some lwith horses in the water and nearby where they are wading and swimming.
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Hamwoman writes:

Love this. Keep up the good work.

Debann writes:


Cat L writes:

So many of the candidates seem like cookie cut-outs, but Pearson seems interesting. I like the declaration of non partisanship, that's a massive issue now. It's like people have broken politics up into sports teams, and are fervently rooting for them in the same obsessive way. That's not as productive as having a conversation about what everyone's needs are, and what solutions there might be. Communication still has to happen. We're all in this together, and polarity-politics may be an advantageous marketing strategy, but it does harm.
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Charles writes:

Lots more kumbaya needed for the rest of the circus characters and con artists right up the line — her crass extremes are obscuring those only-slightly-less-extreme folks now using her to hide behind. Let's change away from the entire circus — it doesn't have to be a circus and con games.
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Charles writes:

Hope no one takes that list at the end of the article as endorsement by the Florida Phoenix or the Brdenton times. The article certainly ought to discuss them if presented like this — as an ad with marketing typography in ALL CAPS. It should be identified as a political ad. I sure am not "confident" that all Floridians believe their elected officials have been passing laws that reflect the will of the voters! Quite the contrary, the officials have been passing laws that reflect the will of those paying for their political campaigns, who seek to eliminate home rule, suppress voting, deny personal liberty to more than half of the population, and allow their major campaign donors to profit from destroying our environment and polluting our waters.
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EPG2002 writes:

None of the above.

Cat L writes:

And what about all the homes that are just an investment that nobody lives in? What about all the homes that are just being constructed for Airbnb? And what about all of the single family homes that are owned by investment groups for the build for rent market? What about all of the homes that are second and third vacation homes? I think there is significantly more going on than what is mentioned above. The effect of all of the relocation of people to Florida on Floridians has been significant. I would say roughly a third of my community has already left the state. Development choices seem to have been made solely with the wallets of a small list of people in mind.
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Cat L writes:

Overall, the taxpayers of Florida are paying for overdevelopment that is destroying their own communities. Always check on the politicians when they're quiet, but when they make a big stinky noise about a subject, they're up to something else as well. Especially if the subject is particularly divisive, then they are hiding activities.
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

You can't have your cake and eat it too! If you don't want at risk people from having firearms you can't limit background checks for firearm ownership. This is an idiotic lawsuit. What we should be doing is clarifying at risk situations to protect the public from irresponsible gun ownership. Our justice system just sent two parents to jail for providing access to a gun to their son, but a dealer can sell a gun to any Tom, **** or Harry. Insanity!
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igobye3959@gmail.com writes:

Of course KVO wouldn’t take a position. Guess he wants to wait for instructions from his handlers

sandy writes:

I agree. There will be no change to the gridlock coming off the bridge to downtown Bradenton or simply heading south past downtown. The bike/pedestrian lane is nice, but won't help drivers. Need the flyover to bypass those wanting to head west on Manatee Ave W or those heading east on 6th St W. With no bypass will still have traffic backed up to make those right or left turns.
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Carolannfelts writes:

Wonderful writing as usual on our Florida history! Thank you!

Cat L writes:

So, that social-emotional learning in schools that unscrupulous marketing people have been calling "woke" is intended to bridge the psychological and emotional differences between groups. That's why it is included in military training. If groups can't work together, they can't work together. Early in the Ukraine war, we saw a classic example of why. When Russia was receiving lots of troops from other countries, they had an instance where a Russian soldier insulted the spiritual perspective of one of the assisting soldiers that resulted in a shootout. Learning to understand and/or be accepting of differences is what makes really big stuff work.
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misty@planneroncall.com writes:

Very grateful for The Bradenton Times and the excellent investigative reporting and opinion writing. The best local newspaper!

David Daniels writes:

If people were shown the cruelty of the killing, the pain of the slaughtering - more would want an alternative. What happened to the free market of ideas and fair competition? Consumers should have a choice. This is protectionism for cruelty and environmental harm.
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jimandlope@aol.com writes:

Ron De Santis, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and countless others who were insulted, maligned and mocked by Donald Trump have joined the, “crawl,” back to Donald Trump. This in and of itself points out the worthlessness of these men as leaders and people we can rely upon. Liz Cheney is the most courageous Republican there is and she is no longer in office holder due to her courage. What a sad group we have chosen. Jim Tierney
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Cat L writes:

So let me get this straight, they set it up so that his salary would come from the foundation that relies on alumni providing money. Alumni who just watched that same man destroy a multi-generational institution. I live with one such alumni, pretty sure he's never going to donate to a foundation associated with the school that is no longer remotely the quality it was. I will reiterate that that school produced more students to go on to achieve their PHD then any other school in the US. That's what the schmuck destroyed. I have already seen three young people, children of my friends, who had been planning to go to new college and change their plans as a result of what they did to it. Why would anyone pay him for that?
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