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iambillsanders@aol.com writes:

A partner NDC also spoke to the council. The project has received $55,000 from the CRA. These are two grants. One for $20,000 and one for $35,000. I agree with the grant process to encourage new business in CRA districts. However, at the meeting it was mentioned more incentives would be ask. for from the CRA. I questioned the CRA Director and he refused to discuss. I also sent an email requesting the data for Public awareness and Transparency. Another business on the agenda the same day was denied hours of operation and has been to the council at least three times. The discussion went on for probably an hour or more just before Good Liquid's request. It was questioned as to why the previous business was not allow hours of operation and this Business was never questioned. You should go play the YouTube video to verify these facts and make your own determination. On one hand the Mayor and council say they are going to pass a new ordinance restricting alcohol use on Main Street. Bradenton Times please ask for a public records request to enlighten us on the new CRA funding for this project.
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BennytheDog writes:

I can understand why both redlining and bluelining exist, insurance companies need to be price competitive and have an ability to make money. While I don’t support redlining because the criteria has been largely race related, I have to accept that I moved to a coastal community in Florida knowing that climate change is underway and that things are going to get worse. In coastal Florida communities, most of the residents are fairly, to fabulously, affluent and they used their affluence to be close to the water. We should not mess with insurance companies responding to climate change in order to protect affluent people from their decision to ignore the climate evidence. If we outlaw bluelining, we will be stealing from the less affluent to protect the more affluent.
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Debann writes:


Charles writes:

The shift away from the El Niño event creates the non El Niño pattern or the absense of El Niño. Without quibbling with the analysis of the effects likely to occur, the scientific basis of expert meteorology tempts me to digress and appeal for some rational discussion of scientific information. El Niño is the name given to an upwelling pattern that appears regularly off the western coast of South America. Its Catholic inhabitants recognized that it coincided with the approach of Christmas and so when it was repeating, they named it to honor the coming of the Christ child, Jesus (El Niño). I have no idea who decided to use a bizarre sexual dicotomy contrary to that cultural, religious, and linguistic tradition. The dicotomy is based on complete ignorance. But here we have it. Who, pray tell (I use the phrase deliberately) is La Niña? Perhaps a female deity on the other side of a dicotomy in Catholicism that appears during years without the upwelling? Perhaps we have lost knowledge of fraternal twins born in a manger and so on? Could we have been left with only half of the saviors enshrined in Catholicism? Is ths like the suppression of the female prophits of the old testament? Now resurrected, can we ever decipher her name and the details of her sacred life? I advocate for the reversal of this ignorance being bandied about by folks supposedly discussing scientific knowledge based on facts — and advocate for the use of terminology that is based on reality. Adoption of a more accurate term (as suggested above) could become a social movement against ignorance — it could begin right here! Imagine, we could get into Ripley's or be the notation in Merrium Webster about the first instance of usage... We need a cause such as this if we are going to suffer the dreadful consequences of the absence of El Niño or the non El Niño. Are you with me? thanks for the patience reading through my rant about a pet peeve...
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Charles writes:

The citizen initiatives reflect the will of the people and will benefit them. With perhps one exception regarding homestead exemptions, the amendments proposed by the legislature reflect the will of the fianciers of the legislators who have been unwilling to protect the clearly expressed will of the people in order to benefit their financial "investors" significantly. Here's hoping TBT tackles each of the amendments proposed by the state legislature and informs the voters about the ramifications of each (no matter how benign the titles appear). Let's encourage snook without being snookered. Pay attention and pass it on... November will be here quickly.
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Charles writes:

Are the Republicans you elect going to put the man who led the greatest Medicare fraud in history in charge of the national party in the federal senate? Country above any other factors — do not vote against your own welfare. Choose carefully who you vote for.
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sandy writes:

Keep in mind that Chief Tom Wooten was one of the employees who was put on administrative leave during the medieval fair property debacle. probably do almost anything for that to not happen again.

Cat L writes:

Huh.... it's like perhaps more factors are involved than just one politically polarizing, religiously motivated thing... It would be nice if perhaps we could look at other things... things like nutrition, or stress levels, or economic instability, or housing instability or even how many people chose not to have kids because the coming global warming situation has not been handled?
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Cat L writes:

Good, hit him in the wallet, it's the only thing he cares about.

san.gander@gmail.com writes:

I voted no on this... my reason, Kennedy is not a viable candidate for the Presidency. That is, he has no chance of being elected, and has not put forward national directives or policies - no positions on major issues, foreign or domestic. I think we all understand the directions of Trump... isolationism, pro-authoritarianism, pro-corporatism, and anti-union/worker; and I venture to say anti-woman, anti-equality, and anti-social programs. In addition, he has shown himself to completely lack moral virture or patrotic honor! That someone might vote for him gives me pause as to their own sense of decency! Joe Biden has none of the "isms" of Trump, and is for working people, and yes equality of races and sexes... very much equal opportunity. Yes, at times his polices move slowly, or not at all... but that is the nature of our system of government... there is a Congress that must concur, and at this time, for the sake of politics alone, and not the right thing, they often oppose. That requires a change... I say in representation in Congress!
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

New name for Wilton Simpson... Puddin' Head Simpson. He is not capable of doing his job, which is saving and preserving enough of Florida's natural lands for the wildlife and the people, the public, of Florida. Let's keep Florida, Florida!
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Charles writes:

Is there a point where more of our voters will become engaged — before the very last door to the path to righting the boat is completely closed? Think it is so overdue. No wonder the best officials (developer's) money can buy have such disdain for the few engaged citizens who keep trying. They can count on hoodwinking the majority. Thanks for continuing to speak out with such clear logic.
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Charles writes:

What an embarassment this man and so many of our elected officials are — the best money can buy.

Debann writes:


David Daniels writes:

As much as I despise the Ziegler's for their hypocrisy and the harm their bullying is doing to kids, they have a right to a certain level of privacy. Mr. Z was investigated, but not charged with a crime - not even arrested. I think it's an overstep to make their cell phones and web browsing a public record. Both strong public record laws and the right to privacy need to be protected.
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Now they're afraid of lights. LOL.

WTF writes:

The BOCC can't run the county much less sticking their noses into home rule. Such bad behavior by our County elected officials. KVO...One and Done

WTF writes:

The corruption finally got to him. Get out now or face Florida Bar complaints

iambillsanders@aol.com writes:

Question: Why did Mike Bennet resign in March. Why not stay and hold the job with Scott Farrington as assistant until the November election. I understand he could have stayed and earned the other half of the $178,000 .
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iambillsanders@aol.com writes:

For the record the lift stations are reversed as station 13 is along the River and started as a septic tank in 1930. Then converted to a lift station. 1.7 million dollars was approved to remove and replace this lift station on 6/24/2024 or 4 years ago. 4 years later now 6 million. As many of the other 64 lift stations of which most are in Ward 4 need to be replaced. Bradenton as of yet has to publish a plan to replace these stations and other infrastructure as an agreed requirement of the Water Keepers Lawsuit . However, Bradenton borrowed 48 million earlier and on next weeks agenda they will bond 48 million. The infrastructure will cost 100 million dollars plus and put our city in debt for the next 30 years. It does however, need to be done. This lift station recently spilled 500 gallon of raw sewage in front of my home and I was vocal about the lack of action to replace it as it was well know for years it was a mess. The City of Bradenton I believe is in a crisis with overspending on items that simply do not need to be done at one time and I do not feel the taxpayers can afford it. New Ball park 60 million...Police station 30 million. Fire station 20 million. Public Works building 10 million with property accusation. City Hall 20 million. And we have an unknown Federal Police Lawsuit that could cost millions. We simply cannot do all of this as fast as they are moving. Slow down and plan. Or our grandkids if they still want to live here simple will not be able to. Bill Sanders Former City Councilman Ward 4
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