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ivangroo@gmail.com writes:

It's just wrong.

David Daniels writes:

The Democrat's are relying on the strategy that anyone's drunk grandfather could beat Trump. It's unbelievably dumb. If somehow Haley ends up the nominee, she would beat Biden in a landslide - and that is best case. Worst case, the Dems are responsible for the loss of democracy by forcing onto the ballot (and down our throat) a person that 65% of the country can't stand.
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writerlynn9717@gmail.com writes:

And what is the main cause of these GOP extremist beliefs? Is it the Bible or is it the internet?

Dianna writes:

Thank you for stepping up to be the voice of the citizens of Manatee County in District 5! If citizen's want change they need to contact the grass root candidates and help them by signing petitions which reduce the cost of their filing fees by thousands of dollars.  This is very important since these candidates are not taking developer money.
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Cat L writes:

If 100% of medicine is for profit, medicine is never going to fully serve the people.

Cat L writes:

Is this something there can be a lawsuit for? It seems like they are just deciding NOT to do Democracy, which I'm really NOT ok with....

Charles writes:

Getting over the hurtle our politicians have put in place to prevent citizens from determining that they have clean water has to be supported by the voters by signing petitions to get it on the ballot for a vote. Getting the question on the ballot is the real hurtle. Voters must make it possible to vote on it by making sure their petitions will be counted to get it there and getting others to do the same.
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lib224@gmail.com writes:

He's a criminal, already convicted of theft. Elect someone else!

Mtmartin writes:

I suspect the accounts of the victim are true that's why the governor is calling for his resignation. Zeigler is a pervert and hipocrite of the highest order and is tonedeaf not to resign. I hope Manatee County Commissioners are watching this and paying attention. They claim to be conservative Republicans just like Ziegler and just as obstinate. The fate of this POS is not going to be good.
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Mateo writes:

Not sure that America could survive yet another egomaniacal businessman who thinks their limited skill set could effortlessly translate into all that an effective Presidency requires. (Although, President Elon Musk telling, say, poor people to go f- themselves could be amusing).
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lib224@gmail.com writes:

Should have had a choice of none of the above. We cannot risk another DJT presidency. It may end our democracy.

Cwright writes:

They should both resign immediately.

Dianna writes:

And this is the caliber of people Manatee County is hiring with our tax dollars. No thank you. Not only should he be let go- but so should the HR person who did not do a simple background check along with the new County Administrator who is opening the door to more lawsuits. This is NOT acceptable!
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David Daniels writes:

This is a HUGE DEAL, and a tremendous victory for transparency and police accountability. Police officers claiming to be the "victims" of the often unarmed people they kill or injure by excessive force is a fraud and an insult to the justice system.
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Cat L writes:

Not terribly good examples as a "model of morality" are they?

kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Thank you, Ray Fusco. I think health care - with its high cost and lack of access for many - is our greatest shame.

Cat L writes:

The polarizing and negatively oriented marketing that lobbying firms tend towards recently is undermining American society. They celebrate divisiveness, when Americans need to be brought together. The conflict and distractions assure that shenanigans politicians engage in on behalf of those who give them money, don't get noticed as much... And in the wake of marketing campaigns, Americans are left thinking they have enemies within their own community, and are encouraged to blame it on the "other guy," whom they also need to completely shut out. No one ever solved anything by lack of communication.
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Charlene writes:

Wonderfully stated, Priscilla. Thank you for your letter! People need to not be bound by ideology and realize that corruption comes in all stripes, it's not partisan. Some things are not a matter of left and right but right and wrong, and we cannot continue to allow unelected sociopaths to control the county by proxy.
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

Thank you, this was a very on target editorial. Things will not change until voters start voting for people that will enact change that benefits the people instead of insanely voting party lines. The worst decision our courts ever made was to recognize corporations basically as a person and allowing them free reign on political spending to corrupt even more our already corrupt political system. There is nothing more frightening to a politician than an enlightened electorate.
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lib224@gmail.com writes:

There is only one party that is actively supporting an insurrectionist and very likely a criminal. THIS is the greatest threat to our continuing efforts to maintain a democracy. He has already openly stated very clearly how he will end our democratic efforts. Stop with the both sidism!
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