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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

Yes! I paid for the usual tourist ride on an airboat. It was a large "barge" ones with 8-12 passengers on benches, 4- 5 abreast and a huge fan on the rear with the boat Captain on a platform guiding and rev-ing up the motor as we sped through the channels of the S. E. Everglades. There were few trees there, and I wondered how the driver knew where he was in those channels, they all looked the same around each turn. Tall grass, scraggly specimans of trees occupied by waterfowl or a vulture or two - no iguanas to day - and, yes, gators on the banks, and in the water. It is a MUST do for everyone. Visitors for the sheer fun and sights, and for Floridians especially... so you know how special this state is and how the wetlands and wilderness must be preserved!
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

Your article is right on target. The world is in a sad state of affairs with corruption, megalomania, religious fanaticism, and my way or the highway, ruling the day. Our own federal government is a grid lock. There was a time in our two party system that the parties would rationally work together and come to a compromise that helped move the country forward. Today the house of representatives acts more like a parliamentary form of government with a few far left and far right radicals holding the majority hostage to their unrealistic demands. The majority in both parties are not blameless, they could work together to overcome the radical stalemate but choose not to.
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

A serious offense! He could cause an accident that could result in death or serious injury. It's what happens when people don't think things through when they do stupid "stuff". I did "stupid stuff" like that when I was a child... immature. Fortunately, a parent caught me... stopped me, and taught me how what I was doing could do harm. A lesson learned early, and well enough to last a lifetime. But not this guy... bad parenting, no lessons; or he simply doesn't care... will he ever learn? Maybe not?
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WTF writes:

Look no further than their voting record, expand unlimited high-end housing, the racetrack vote, the Wetlands, the list goes on and on. Facts are stubborn things. Such a disappointment to our community. Bought off by development greed and their reelection campaign funds. Nothing more than puppets for the developers plain and simple. Left to the voters next election cycle they are now in the “One and Done” club.
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ruthlawler@att.net writes:

Excellent article. Clearly explains why the Right to Clean Water petition signing is so VERY important. There are a number of ways to get involved here in Manatee County, as we have a strong volunteer effort through several groups working collaboratively in the petition signing effort. Whether it be at large events, local venues such as the public libraries, or just neighbor to neighbor, all efforts are fruitful and important. I would be pleased to get you connected, provide supplies, petitions, signs, cards etc. as well as guidance on how you too can assist in this important effort. Please go to the website and review the great information as well. www.floridarightocleanwater.org. Call me or email: Ruth Lawler, ruthlawler@att.net, 941-350-6085
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N_Alice_Newlon writes:

Under Cheri Coryea there were 2 Deputy County Administrators. Now there are 4. Looks like they need to put women in charge again.

Cat L writes:

At this point, my question on that invite is "who is it that doesn't know that the governor's presidential race is already over?" But I'm sure they'll humor him and get their favors while they can.

Dianna writes:

This board is a wrecking ball that will leave citizens picking up the tab on the stupidity for years. They have no ethics and ignore all the rules. DePol and Bishop, along with our county attorney clearly do not work for the taxpayers of Manatee County. Time to vote out the crooks starting in 2024 with- Satcher, Van Ostenbridge, Turner- along with that mysterious 8th commissioner Arana.
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Thank you LWV for your always helpful recaps. I do not agree, however, that it was public support that swayed the commissioners on the T2T project. If they had not approved it the optics would have been sooooo bad for Rs who generally claim to love veterans. It was self-preservation; nothing more.
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Cwright writes:

*Please take note!! Candidate April Culbreath is ONE OF THEM. Same as the Slime-Ball Six commissioners currently put in place by the likes of Anthony Pedicini and his buddy, the self-proclaimed “Professional Propagandist” Jennings Lawton DePriest, April Culbreath is being financed by the same developers and BIA as the current Board Of Corrupt Commissioners who we must vote OUT.
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gdrahal@outlook.com writes:

One party has run Florida for over 20 years. 7 out of 10 voters vote for this governor, this legislature and most County Commissioners. The only way for change is to VOTE FOR CHANGE.

barbaraelliott writes:

Between open primary loop holes and good ol boy operatives, no. Elections won't fix our problems. A federal prosecutor once gave me evidence of election tampering in Manatee County. You won't believe who is behind it. I don't know about other counties, just this one. I know "certain votes never reach the Manatee Election Office". This is the truth so help me God. Also just try to get the SOE office to show your ballot to you AFTER an election. They will tell you they can't because "it is immediately destroyed after counting". Maybe so, but state law requires all voting materials including ballots must be retained for two years, used or not, and have to have a plan and permission to destroy the voting materials including ballots. To destroy your ballot before two years has passed is a crime. Barbara Elliott Stone Soup Manatee Inc stonesoupmanatee@yahoo.com 941-447-9929
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WTF writes:

What a claim to fame... laughable .... Reformed Presbyterian....You can run but you can't hide Gee sound like any of our commissioners aka the chair The Florida Commission on Ethics found probable cause that former Tallahassee mayoral candidate Dustin Daniels misused his position as the mayor's chief of staff to secure a special benefit for others. Republican Party activist Jennings Lawton DePriest, who filed the complaint, said the ethics commission notified him by phone today of its decision. The commission found probable cause that Daniels may have violated state ethics law by purchasing campaign email software with city money while he worked for former Mayor Andrew Gillum. Gillum was the unsuccessful Democratic Party candidate for Florida Governor in 2018. "The violation of public trust by a public official is a serious matter, espeically when that violation involves the misuse of taxpayer dollars for personal political gain," said DePriest, who could not attend today's hearing because of a previous appointment. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2019/01/25/probable-cause-found-dustin-daniels-ethics-case/2680263002/ FounderFounder Top Lobster · Full-timeTop Lobster · Full-time Jan 2019 - Present · 4 yrs 10 mosJan 2019 - Present · 4 yrs 10 mos Sarasota, Florida, United States · On-siteSarasota, Florida, United States · On-site Skills: Business Ownership · Copywriting · Start-up Leadership · Start-up Ventures · User Experience (UX)Skills: Business Ownership · Copywriting · Start-up Leadership · Start-up Ventures · User Experience (UX) Converge Public Strategies logo Digital Strategy DirectorDigital Strategy Director Converge Public Strategies · ContractConverge Public Strategies · Contract Jan 2020 - Present · 3 yrs 10 mosJan 2020 - Present · 3 yrs 10 mos Tallahassee, Florida, United StatesTallahassee, Florida, United States Skills: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) · Digital Strategy · WordPressSkills: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) · Digital Strategy · WordPress Prolydian logo Chief Marketing OfficerChief Marketing Officer ProlydianProlydian Oct 2017 - Dec 2018 · 1 yr 3 mosOct 2017 - Dec 2018 · 1 yr 3 mos Tallahassee, Florida AreaTallahassee, Florida Area Skills: Customer Acquisition · Search Engine Optimization (SEO) · Digital Strategy https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennings-lawton-depriest-i-8860bb90/ https://www.facebook.com/jenningslawtondepriestI/ https://twitter.com/jenningslawton https://medium.com/@jenningslawton/about Jennings Lawton DePriest I is a digital marketer from Bradenton, Florida.
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WTF writes:

The find is laughable. Just what is "official reprimand" contribute to the Judges reelection. Corrupt all the way to the top of our Judiciary. What a farce to the Citizens that actuality want to protect the environment
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Cwright writes:

My own little edit of that one sentence: Commission Chair Van Ostenbridge clarified that the (LYING PROPAGANDA) communications being referenced by public speakers were not “OFFICIAL”

ruthlawler@att.net writes:

Interesting conversation. I applaud Mitch for calling out the military veterans on the BOCC for not standing up for what is right and just doing Beruff's work. Another comment, on Obama and the passing of Obamacare...my brother was able to get health insurance AFTER being diagnosed with cancer, and is currently undergoing chemotherapy thanks to his insurance. It does save lives. Ruth Lawler
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rjckeuka4@gmail.com writes:

Isn't it interesting that Senator Tuberville became famous as a football coach, and VERY RICH, largely on the backs of BLACK athletes!! I think that's spelled H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y!!!!!

dreed135@yahoo.com writes:

This certainly become an institution

Dianna writes:

We will be broke and broken before we can vote them out and this has happened in less than 3 years- less than 1 year for the new commissioners.  We will remember the names that ruined our county and wasted our tax dollars.  Next on the chopping block is the Tunnel to Towers project on Oct 10th agenda.  Commissioners will look the veterans in the eye as they tout a project from Bearden on Buckeye Road -that is nothing but a sham with a lot of tax-payer dollars wasted, just like this HR thing. 
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lib224@gmail.com writes:

We are wasting our time trying to influence this group of hacks. The only way out of this is to get better candidates and vote for them.

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