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WTF writes:

Let’s not forget about FPL wanting to get rid of net metering and every one of our local elected officials went along with this vote , Gruters, Gregory, Boyde, Robinson. While the Republican-sponsored bill was approved largely along party lines in the Florida Senate, it had some crossover in the House, with 11 Democrats joining 72 Republican to support it. But…Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed one of the legislative session’s most lobbied bills, killing a “net metering” measure Wednesday sought by Florida Power & Light that would have sharply reined-in the rooftop solar industry. For DeSantis, who is seeking re-election this year, the move against FPL defies a company that is always a large contributor to both of the state’s leading political parties
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

$10K for your picture with Vern Buchanan?!?! LOL. You know what PT Barnum said ...

ner125@aol.com writes:

Why not address traffic concerns BEFORE approving the permit…?

N_Alice_Newlon writes:

Thank you for this review. You very nicely pointed out that even Hollywood has a way to go before they are inclusive.

Charles writes:

Love seeing news from the Florida Phoenix — TBT making these available is a great service to the community, thanks.

rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

Consumer beware, if you think the expansion for free standing emergency departments by hospitals is altruistic, think again. Our for profit health caste system puts profits first. Consumers sometimes mistake FEDs for urgent care centers because these facilities can often look and feel like urgent care centers. As a result, consumers are often surprised when they receive a bill that is significantly higher than they might have expected. Unlike an urgent care center, which provides non-emergent care and only charges a physician fee, a FED provides emergent care and charges a physician fee and a facility fee. The average cost for primary care at an urgent care center is $193, compared to over $2,000 in an emergency room.
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Charles writes:

No, and do not think the health of our water is being planned for. Reverse osmosis should be introduced for safer drinking water, scientific reports of contamination of our drinking water now exist. Contaminatioin should be avoided. Mine has begun tasting of fungicides... if that is correct, it may be killing off the healthy flora in our intestines. Harmful and persistent chemicals reported in our water have no taste but may be more lethal. Voters should support getting the clean water amendment onto the ballot in order for the voters to be able to make our officials follow our desire for clean and healthy waters. Signing the petitions is the only way this will happen, our officials never will go against the efforts to prevent the amendment by those who pay for the political campaigns of those who will do their bidding. The voters must act or it never will be changed.
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

If I were a "newspaper" editorial artist, I would express thes actions on the part of the developers in this state in this way: an "Innocent lovely verdant female" garbed in and clinging to shreds of Florida's natural beauty covering her body, as these voracious developers with the aid of politicians at local and state level, tear at her body and procede with "****"! All for their personal pleasure and gain! Where are her protectors?
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Marsha P writes:

I love the last tongue-in-cheek line: “ communist ploy that will turn all the kids trans and see us eating insects in FEMA camps administered by Jihadist drag queens.” When did Republicans stop being the fiscal conservatives who believe that businesses and individuals should be responsible for themselves, and start being the “don’t worry the government will support you no matter what foolhardy choices you make” party?
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Charlene writes:

But the regulators are captured at every level. Unfortunately, it's going to take another sinkhole before people stop putting money first.

Charlene writes:

I don't hold out hope for this one, but we'll see what happens.

Dianna writes:

Love the podcast! Again, its nice to hear someone say out loud what you are thinking in your head..........it will be interesting to see how many voters will support something normal. Hopefully enough local voters have experienced "the lies created by our commissioners and their political consultants" and they will start doing their homework before going out to vote.
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Dianna writes:

Only Commissioner Kruse actually wanted the T2T project. Remember that this was “town hall-ed” by Van Ostenbridge and his political aide and the political consultant for the 6 commissioners, as a “homeless shelter” and a “homeless camp” and they continued to promote it that way even after the meeting had started- because the public was still receiving texts and e-mails during the last meeting. Listen to the commissioner’s comments not only at the last meeting but at every meeting. Look at Bearden’s full-on rant hating this project and those associated with it- so much so, he has staff put up a picture of a homeless person outside a building somewhere and tries to blame T2T and US VETS for them being there. Thankfully, T2T put on an excellent presentation showing the public that they had been tricked and that this project was actually more of a gated community for veterans with wrap around services. I firmly believe that this project was approved solely on the backlash of the community and the loss of veteran’s vote. We will not forget this at the ballot box.
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Charles writes:

Do not see much difference between Jordan and Donalds — both are in the same caucus that intends to dismantle the government — quick poison or slow poison? How about a moderate choice Vern? We have severe problems that need to be solved that are going to require cooperation, not more party craziness.
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

Convicted of stealing from the people... fraud. Is this the kind of Republicans you want?

san.gander@gmail.com writes:

Politics of course, not in the Public interest.

WTF writes:

Another great fact filled podcast. Keep up the good work. All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome. George Orwell
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Dianna writes:

Another lie from the developer commissioners and the staff who will make up the facts for them. Citizens need to make sure not to forget to vote out Turner along with Satcher and Van Ostenbridge in 2024.
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Charles writes:

Yes, "It’s up to those of us who see the problem to fix it."

Charles writes:

A "dog park" — is that where one unleashes dogs and lets them run undisciplined? Sounds appropriate. Wonder how long it takes to be renamed.

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