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Cat L writes:

Well, the Gov has his own version of "Brown Coats" and he's certainly been removing obstacles they might have to taking nefarious action.

sandy writes:

KVO has over $200K in his coffers, but to save $5464.28 filing fee to be a candidate he wants to have the petition signed. He's also asking for a donation to help pay for the postage on the mail out and return postage for signed petition. I don't live in his district but the mailings might change if he decides to go for the at-large. To be honest, I usually just throw them away in the trash at the post office. There has to be some way to charge him with fraud or ethics for having the county address as the return address on the mail out envelope. The envelope to return the petition goes to Tampa. Can anyone tell me what happens to all money if he loses? Where does it go?
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Charles writes:

Reject plans to "manage" blooms, prevention is what is necessary. Blue-green algal blooms are more toxic to humans than red tides and need to be reported on by officials in the same fashion — but prevention of our feeding these blooms must be a statewide objective, our behavior is the basis of the problems. The fungicides being put into our drinking water are killing off the flora we need in our guts — keep the blooms from starting and there is no need for poisining ourselves in an attempt to deal with the result of our own action or failure to act. The clean water amendment is starting over in order to get the proposal onto the 2026 ballot for the voters to be able to choose. It must be from scratch, all new petitions must be signed. Start now getting those petitions signed to get the huge number our mistakenly-elected officials have raised the required number to — get involved in making sure the voters can determine whether they want clean water. Voters must sign the petitons to get the question on the ballot — that is the only way voters will have a say about clean water. Ultimately, the voters determine whether they have this legal tool. What is your choice?
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jimandlope@aol.com writes:

The good news is we get rid of one idiot but if Beruff has another in mind Theres no win here . Probably going to have to be a veteran, be able to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and Lords Prayer in order to vote. More lack of experience feel sorry for the staff as they do a good job and are objective.
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Cat L writes:

That business name is so ironic....

writerlynn9717@gmail.com writes:

ATF Director Steven Dettelbach said that “repeatedly selling guns for profit without running a criminal background check is not safe for innocent, abiding Americans, in fact, it’s doggone dangerous.” Thank goodness for this administration's common sense efforts for gun purchases, which do nothing negative against second amendments rights. Why does it take decades to make common sense efforts like this to protect our citizens? Love Biden's sense of decency and pragmatism.
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EPG2002 writes:

Another gaslighting MAGA parrot.

sandy writes:

As you cited percentages for party affiliations, nationally I am part of the dominate party but I don't vote a party line. I registered as a Democrat in 1975 (senior in high school) because my parents were. And where I moved from had a better chance for a civil service job. I moved to Florida 30 years ago (I admit I was not a fan of Gore even after voting for Clinton. My husband registered for the first time ever as an Independent just to vote for Ross Perot). Manatee County being predominately Republican, I can't tell you the number of elections that were decided at primary I couldn't vote in (2022 being one in primary. Everyone knows write-ins don't win). I am still contemplating switching to Republican so I can vote in the primary in August even though every county commissioner race will be going to election day in November. I have time so if KVO changes seat running for (has to be done by 6/14), I can still change July 22 to vote against him.
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Forgot to include the board's requirement that "only like-minded individuals need apply."

David Daniels writes:

He voted to end the ethics Commission. He voted for every single one of DeSantis' book banning bills, many of which have been ruled unconstitutional. He voted for a younger age to buy guns. And open carry them. He voted to keep the consumer harming car dealer protections that give us the idiotic way we have to buy cars from dealers. Do you know anyone that likes buying a car? His votes resultedin LGBT kids being afraid to go to school.
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BennytheDog writes:

Thanks for your article describing the Biden administration’s efforts vis-a-vis the Trump administration and Trump’s destructive political manipulation of the bi-partisan effort to improve the situation. If anyone wants to understand the underlying reasons for illegal immigration, read the linked essay in the WSJ. The primary reason for illegals is economic, they want a better life and we need their labor. It is that simple and has not changed since I was a roommate of two legal immigrants from Mexico who taught me the reality of the illegal farm labor immigration in California in the 1970’s. https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/border-crackdowns-wont-solve-americas-immigration-crisis-f21b0c4b?st=vtd8333uaolik8i&reflink=article_copyURL_share
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Carolannfelts writes:

As always, thank you for your wonderfully written and well researched articles on our area’s history! Carol Ann Felts

sandy writes:

For the first time in a long time, not a single county commission district race will be determined at the primary. Let's hope this trend continues two years from now. Now is the time to get to know where each candidate stands on the issues facing our county to make an informed decision not based on the negativity and overblown "accomplishments" we know will be coming from some of the candidates.
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slevin@villaserenainn.com writes:

Mr Clausen - Your Opinion piece perhaps is most important and well-written. Your appreciation for the past and the value to the Community are immeasurable. I want to thank you for your perspective. Steven Levin (http://villaserenainn.com)
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Charles writes:

Vote to restore this privacy right to our state constitution — where it belongs.

sandy writes:

While I never personally would have an abortion except under extreme circumstances (****, incest, health of mother or baby) I think 6 weeks is too short. 16 weeks was reasonable to determine if you don't want to have a child. I am totally against late term abortions.
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AllForOne writes:

I've been using this Tallevast for years. It's a well-run branch with very helpful staff.

rjckeuka4@gmail.com writes:

Wow...beautiful Kristina! Great you made note of the fine service you received. Despite the leadership at the top, great to know there are still County workers who care about citizens and respond politely and efficiently to issues in a timely fashion. Must be left over from the Coryea administration!! :)
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

It is Congress that has the responsibility to solve the border crisis... and they are being held back by partisanship... mostly on the Republican side. Congress must find a "humane" solution and provide the executive branch with appropriate laws to enforce security and lawful immigration.
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David Daniels writes:

Very informative. And so important for us to become more familiar with - especially when we have little reason to trust that decision makers will do what is best for the long-term interest of our county.
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