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Letter to the editor

Character Is “The Issue” When Choosing a President


I’m an independent who has been called “too liberal” by some and “too conservative” by others. It depends on the issue. I consider that a good thing. My wife says that I just like to argue. She might be right.

I was raised in a split family. Dad had a business and leaned Republican. Mom had a heart of gold and was a Democrat. When I cast my first vote it was for John Anderson, an Independent presidential candidate in 1980. I was young and idealistic.

In 1984 I was on board with Reagan. Wasn’t everyone? He received 489 electoral votes. And I’ve voted for many Republicans since. In this year’s presidential primary, I supported Nikki Haley. But I am a “Never-Trumper.”

The most important issue for me when selecting a president is character. Are they honest, trustworthy, and truthful? Do they possess a strong moral compass? Will they put the good of the country and all its citizens ahead of their own ambitions? These traits determine how they will handle all the other issues they face.

Richard Nixon may have said it best in an interview after Watergate “People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook.” He continued with “Well, I’m not a crook” his most famous quote. He was, and several members of his OWN party forced him to resign or face impeachment. That was then August 8th, 1974.

Fifty years later, the Republican presidential candidate is a man with 34 felony convictions. Some might argue that covering up sex with a porn star is not nearly as bad as Watergate. But January 6th was far worse. Watergate was done in secret during the dark of night. The insurrection was in broad daylight for all the world to see. Nobody was hurt in the break-in. Nearly 200 police officers were injured protecting the Capital and a protestor was shot.

Trump continues to insist the 2020 election was stolen and calls those arrested “Jan 6th Hostages”. He plans to pardon them. He has said that he would be a “dictator on day one” if he wins. And he promised a “bloodbath” if he loses. He has the full support of his party and a game plan called “Project 2025”.

Beware - this is “not your father’s” Republican Party.

Randall Rousselo
Roscommon, MI


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  • ruthlawler

    Well stated. Character, truth and integrity are critical when we choose our leaders. This is true for national, state and local offices. We MUST vote wisely. Ruth Lawler

    Wednesday, August 14 Report this

  • UteKegel

    Thank you so much for your insightful article, Randall.

    This is exactly what I have been observing the last 30 years or so. The Republican party seems to have devolved from conservative to, well, weird!

    For a functioning democracy we need diverse and viable parties. I hope the Republicans can find their way back.

    I also agree about character. I want a decent human being to represent me, someone who is caring and joyful.

    I don't care how many times Trump calls his opponents crooked, lying, criminal -- calling other people names doesn't make you a better human or the other people crooked.

    It would be nice to get "your father's" Republican party back so that we have an honest choice between conservative, progressive, and other suitable candidates.

    Wednesday, August 14 Report this

  • AllForOne

    Being a former Michigander, also with ties to Roscommon, I share many of your points. Unfortunately, I still don't know who I am voting for in November. Too many checkmarks in the "dislike" column for both teams. If Nikki had been nominated, this would be a slam dunk decision for me.

    Thursday, August 15 Report this