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letter to the editor

Kevin the Cowardly Commissioner


Kevin, the Cowardly Commissioner, used to represent District 3

But when he knew he couldn’t win, all he could do was flee

To Island residents and District 3, he is a disgrace

He knew what was coming and got out of the race

He is an angry little man, as you can see

So angry, in fact, he stole a Bougainvillea tree

Despite election coffers filled with bounty

He does absolutely nothing for the residents of Manatee County

He is but a mere bootlicker for his orange idol

He is but a puppet on a string for the developers with whom he sidles

His agenda is weak, pathetic, and lame

He governs with revenge because he got picked last at the elementary school kickball game

He talks tough, and his ethics are shady

But like his idol, all he does is whine and cry like a baby

So goodbye and good riddance from District 3, Kevin

I hope informed voters turn out and soundly beat you in District 7!

Michael Polin


4 comments on this item

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  • kat.houston

    Nicely written!! Thank you

    Sunday, June 2 Report this

  • Debann


    Sunday, June 2 Report this

  • sandy

    He needs to go away. District 7, pay attention to how bad he is and don't vote for him. Remember, a leopard can't change his spots.

    Sunday, June 2 Report this

  • WTF

    KVO...One & Done club


    Saturday, June 15 Report this