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The Problem with Trump's Conviction


The decision to convict Donald Trump is not just a legal event; it's a historical turning point in US politics. Two problems extending beyond politics are at play here: denying every defendant's right to due process and the ever-deepening red-blue divide in our country.

How all of this will play out remains to be seen, but it’s time for sanity. A citizen of the State of Florida being denied constitutionally guaranteed rights is an issue for the state for the state of Florida. Florida should sue the State of New York for failing to uphold the U.S. Constitution in a series of unlawful decisions made by New York officials.

Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moony now must take the fight. This is not just about Trump; it's about the principles of justice and fairness that underpin the American legal system. It's about a defendant's right to know the charges against him and the prosecution's duty to establish every fact their indictment hinges upon.

The long-term implications might be dire, and one aspect of this is evident already: some people think it is acceptable to toss all limitations upon the government to prevent arbitrary use of power out the window.

Regardless of one's stance on Trump, the US seems to be veering towards a belief that the rule of law is not a virtue to be always upheld but a weapon to be used against the unworthy. It's time for our elected leaders to protect the integrity of our justice system, political sanity, and the rights of every Floridian, as guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, by taking New York to court.

Anders Edwardsson
Safety Harbor


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  • rayfusco68

    What a bunch of word salad. You did not substantiate even one of your claims. Mr. Trump was tried in NY for crimes he committed in NY. He was convicted for specific illegal behaviors by a 12 person jury of his peers. If anything his conviction substantiates the axiom that no one is above the law, and this probably strikes fear into many of his cohorts.

    Sunday, June 2 Report this