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Cat L writes:

Mad respect. Love. :)

Dave writes:

Don't wanna, but I'm gonna.

kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:


kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Brought to you by Team "Free Florida."

ruthlawler@att.net writes:

Right now HB 87, "Taking of Bears" is on Gov. DeSantis' desk for signature. Florida Wildlife Federation urges a rejection of this bill. It will allow the killing of bears by citizens, which is currently not allowed. There is not a bear problem, yet a human problem where bears are attracted by the smell of garbage, to bird feeders, BBQ grills and stupid people who feed the bears. Please contact the Govonor's office to ask for this bill to be rejected. Office of Govenor is 850-717-9337. Protect these amazing animals! Ruth Lawler
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spiceyar@yahoo.com writes:

Please vote Gaetz out! Does nothing for anyone except himself!

Libby23@aol.com writes:

As usual, well said, Commissioner Schaefer. The additional point worth making is that this isn’t a parking garage per se; it’s a vendetta. KVO’s gotta go!!!!

Libby23@aol.com writes:

Thanks Mitch for spreading the word countywide . Clearly KVO switched to District 7 because he knows those of us in District 3 have his number.

lib224@gmail.com writes:

The poll question should have "Low" in front of "Impact Fee Policy." Also, it seems that the developers have organized a group of partisans that are now participating the Bradenton Times polling. Comments are now more telling than the actual polling where the fix is now in.
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Cat L writes:

Disappointing, and yet not a surprise... sigh

WTF writes:

Manatee Memorial is owned by UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERVICES, INC. that had 2023 Net revenues $14,281,976,000 UHS is one of the nation’s largest and most respected providers of hospital and healthcare services, with more than 400 acute care hospitals, behavioral health facilities and ambulatory centers across the United States, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom…… Follow the money https://ir.uhs.com/static-files/9dc99368-aeca-4aa7-8895-ae6a40e2c73c
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WTF writes:

And what about the dust bowel problem..... Oh wait that's caused by developers that of course get a free pass on everything they do because they own the majority of BOCC. Lets call it 5/6 of the BOCC

WTF writes:

The taxpayers will end up paying the difference of these costs without any benefit to the taxpayers. Unjust taxation without representation. Developers will and have always been laughing all the way to the bank while the middle class struggles with paying taxes for development that has no bearing on taxpayers’ quality of life, if fact makes it worse with traffic jams, air pollution and more. The County hires outside professions that say a 100% impact fee is not only fair but will reduce the burden on regular taxpayers that receive no benefit. Do they listen, of course not. **** away taxpayers’ monies for a professional report only to toss it aside for the benefit of developers. This puppet developer board with the exception of George Kruze is the worst BOCC I have seen in decades. Vote these clowns out in the primary and general elections.
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

Will a lawsuit against the Manatee Supervisor of Elections, Satcher be necessary to get him to do his job? If he does not follow the law on this... what redress do Golden and Mullis have in the courts?
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WTF writes:

Who let so many clowns in the Manatee government. No more pay to play it's pay and instruct the puppets what to say and do. They must order KY jelly by the case

kat.houston writes:

Nicely written!! Thank you

N_Alice_Newlon writes:

REASONS TO VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 1 • All registered voters, regardless of party affiliation can vote in nonpartisan elections. Nearly 4,000,000 NPA voters in Florida would be excluded from voting for school board candidates in primaries if school board elections become partisan. • In nonpartisan elections, a candidate must obtain more than 50% to win. If one does not, the top two advance to the general election. In partisan elections, a candidate can win with less than 50%. • Nonpartisan boards may have more incentives for collaboration and compromise. • Nonpartisan elections maintain local control. • Partisan elections may create a politically charged school environment.
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

Mary Ann, please, another blathering bit of word salad, with no facts or examples, just accusations and innuendos. Forget party lines and try to find candidates that represent the needs of their constituents. The fastest growing group of voters are NPA, those who want to vote for issues and not dogmatic rhetoric from either established party.
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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

What a bunch of word salad. You did not substantiate even one of your claims. Mr. Trump was tried in NY for crimes he committed in NY. He was convicted for specific illegal behaviors by a 12 person jury of his peers. If anything his conviction substantiates the axiom that no one is above the law, and this probably strikes fear into many of his cohorts.
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nellmcphillips@hotmail.com writes:

Congratulations to these gentlemen who achieved their Eagle Scout. The Eagle Scout achievement is a classic among those who have gone forward and made successful careers for themselves. The work and dedication to get the Eagle Scout is what shows the characteristics that will make them great leaders.
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