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rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

Red alert, seniors are being scammed by our politicians again. Actually we all are being scammed. The politicians in Washington wring their hands about our national debt and propose to do the very christian solution by kicking our poor and elderly to the curb by attacking social security, medicare and other safety net programs. The proposal to increase the premium cost of medicare is actually a ploy to push more medicare recipients into medicare advantage plans. Medicare advantage plans are actually for profit private insurance companies that receive funding from the federal government. Medicare advantage plans increase the national debt because they actually cost the government more to subsidize than the cost of regular Medicare. The private medicare insurance companies are in business to make a profit, they do this by decreasing their cost of care for their enrollees. There are many ways that they do this and none of them increases the quality of health care for their members. They are more concerned about their wealth than your health. I am willing to appear at any forum to advocate for the benefits of medicare for all as a means to improve our healthcare system while dramatically reducing its cost.
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Cwright writes:

“The county’s plan to remove established trees to replace them with higher maintenance trees that would require watering sounds like a complete waste of tax dollars.” (Because it is!) These CORRUPT commissioners are the NOT being “conservative” with our money and THEY are the ones constantly picking fights with their constituents to feed their own power-hungry urges and egos. They disgust me.
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Dave writes:

"State officials say it could lead to lower annual homeowners insurance premiums for Floridians by as much as $1,000." Does it apply to condominiums?

Cat L writes:

Super cute design. :)

mcmplm@aol.com writes:

Kudos to the clerk's office for participating in the rise of short and medium-term interest rates. Unfortunately, the rise in interest rates has been caused by a rise in inflation which has affected all Manatee County citizens who are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Use the interest rate windfall to roll back the recently announced utility bill increase and enact a variable property tax credit for fiscal year '24 and beyond. Mike Meehan, CFA, MBA
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Charlene writes:

Perhaps this is why the astroturfing so-called Real Manatee County Conservatives was targeted. A warning shot to Brodsky to not do his job.

Dianna writes:

Another entertaining podcast!

ruthlawler@att.net writes:

A hungry child or a child singled out as not able to pay for their lunch is a horrible situation. I hurts the child's ability to learn and damages their self esteem. This is an absurd and inhumane situation in the wealthiest nation in the world! When we realize that 40% of the food produced in the USA is WASTED, it further shines a light on the absurdity and inhumanity of these policies that kids can't eat (or have ice cream) in their school when other students around them can. Sad and inhumane situation. Ruth Lawler
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David Daniels writes:

Oh my God! An email from the Sheriff with the video was sent to the State Attorney on Oct 11. The citizen sent the video to MCAW on Oct 9 - and followed up with email to Jodie Fiske. Fiske confirmed that all investigative agencies had received the video and were working on the case on Oct 11. The video IS THE INVESTIGATION! He should have been arrested OCT 11! Yet Brodsky and the Sheriff still claim ignorance for 3 weeks.That is a boldface lie. What a bunch of keystone cops this County is when it comes to animals suffering. Commissioners let 120 dogs suffer every single day in a terrible, understaffed shelter - and says nothing when Jodie Fiske and Sarah Brown terminates 11 good volunteers because they speak up about it. And now the Sheriff and State Attorney sit on their ass for 3 weeks. Animal lovers are good people - the kind of people that should be elected to replace the ones we have now.
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WTF writes:

What a joke “temporarily” (like forever) remove the requirement that at least 25 percent of a building's units be designated affordable housing to receive additional height downtown. Another sweetheart deal for market rate developers. Apparently the 7 year BS LURA with the 920 project must have been forgotten in campaign contributions. So disgusted with these pay to play developers that have no moral compass in providing workforce housing mixed in with their projects. GREED GREED GREED "If you think of life as like a big pie, you can try to hold the whole pie and kill yourself trying to keep it, or you can slice it up and give some to the people around you, and you still have plenty left for yourself." - Jay Leno
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WTF writes:

Let’s not forget about FPL wanting to get rid of net metering and every one of our local elected officials went along with this vote , Gruters, Gregory, Boyde, Robinson. While the Republican-sponsored bill was approved largely along party lines in the Florida Senate, it had some crossover in the House, with 11 Democrats joining 72 Republican to support it. But…Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed one of the legislative session’s most lobbied bills, killing a “net metering” measure Wednesday sought by Florida Power & Light that would have sharply reined-in the rooftop solar industry. For DeSantis, who is seeking re-election this year, the move against FPL defies a company that is always a large contributor to both of the state’s leading political parties
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

$10K for your picture with Vern Buchanan?!?! LOL. You know what PT Barnum said ...

ner125@aol.com writes:

Why not address traffic concerns BEFORE approving the permit…?

N_Alice_Newlon writes:

Thank you for this review. You very nicely pointed out that even Hollywood has a way to go before they are inclusive.

Charles writes:

Love seeing news from the Florida Phoenix — TBT making these available is a great service to the community, thanks.

rayfusco68@gmail.com writes:

Consumer beware, if you think the expansion for free standing emergency departments by hospitals is altruistic, think again. Our for profit health caste system puts profits first. Consumers sometimes mistake FEDs for urgent care centers because these facilities can often look and feel like urgent care centers. As a result, consumers are often surprised when they receive a bill that is significantly higher than they might have expected. Unlike an urgent care center, which provides non-emergent care and only charges a physician fee, a FED provides emergent care and charges a physician fee and a facility fee. The average cost for primary care at an urgent care center is $193, compared to over $2,000 in an emergency room.
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Charles writes:

No, and do not think the health of our water is being planned for. Reverse osmosis should be introduced for safer drinking water, scientific reports of contamination of our drinking water now exist. Contaminatioin should be avoided. Mine has begun tasting of fungicides... if that is correct, it may be killing off the healthy flora in our intestines. Harmful and persistent chemicals reported in our water have no taste but may be more lethal. Voters should support getting the clean water amendment onto the ballot in order for the voters to be able to make our officials follow our desire for clean and healthy waters. Signing the petitions is the only way this will happen, our officials never will go against the efforts to prevent the amendment by those who pay for the political campaigns of those who will do their bidding. The voters must act or it never will be changed.
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san.gander@gmail.com writes:

If I were a "newspaper" editorial artist, I would express thes actions on the part of the developers in this state in this way: an "Innocent lovely verdant female" garbed in and clinging to shreds of Florida's natural beauty covering her body, as these voracious developers with the aid of politicians at local and state level, tear at her body and procede with "****"! All for their personal pleasure and gain! Where are her protectors?
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Marsha P writes:

I love the last tongue-in-cheek line: “ communist ploy that will turn all the kids trans and see us eating insects in FEMA camps administered by Jihadist drag queens.” When did Republicans stop being the fiscal conservatives who believe that businesses and individuals should be responsible for themselves, and start being the “don’t worry the government will support you no matter what foolhardy choices you make” party?
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Charlene writes:

But the regulators are captured at every level. Unfortunately, it's going to take another sinkhole before people stop putting money first.

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